If God is calling and empowering you to do something for him, you can expect to be tested, and you can expect testing commensurate with the seriousness of your call. The devil may not show up in person or test you on the same supernatural level that he tested Jesus, but your hardships may seem Read More →
If we truly repent in light of the coming kingdom, we will treat our neighbors rightly. No one who has humbled himself or herself before God can act with wanton self-interest in relationships. Those with the faith to await the vindication of the righteous in God’s kingdom can afford to be Read More →
Jesus emphasizes that we should not pray like the hypocrites, to be seen by others; instead, we should pray privately. He also emphasizes that we should not pray like pagans, expecting to manipulate an answer from their deities; instead, we should offer a simple prayer to our Father. Read More →