Posted on 16 May 2024, Speaker: Джонатан Постулайт
Imagine that you are in central south Turkey during the reign of the Roman emperor Claudius. Most in the tow n worship one or other of the local gods or goddesses.And into this town has come a funny little Jew called Paul. According to Paul, there is one God, the world’s creator, and this one
Jesus is risen! He is risen indeed! We celebrate Easter because it is a part of the redemptive plan of mankind. It is cause for celebration because the rising of Jesus proves that He is the Son of God. So, we take confidence, if we are believers, because we have the same power working in us
Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem signaled the start of the last week of His earthly ministry. In a few days’ time He would be betrayed, scourged, mocked, and nailed to the cross to die — only to rise again on the third day after His death. This week is when we remember
Jesus is the great Teacher and He teaches us about God’s heart for the lost. In Rembrandt’s famous painting “The Return of the Prodigal Son” he focuses on the father’s younger son in Jesus’ parable. But by composition and lighting, the artist causes us rightfully to focus on the father—his
In this passage we see Jesus as a miracle worker. The first incident is that of the healing of the centurion’s servant; the second is that of the raising the dead son of the Jewish widow of Nain. The story of the centurion’s faith is both significant and relevant to us. Our Lord made a point