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Version:1.0 StartHTML:000000230 EndHTML:000002317 StartFragment:000001817 EndFragment:000002285 StartSelection:000001817 EndSelection:000002285 SourceURL:http://svishtov.novjivot.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=766&action=edit
Against the sombre background of our world today Ephesians 2:1–10 stands out in striking relevance. Paul first plumbs the depths of pessimism about man, and then rises to the heights of optimism about God. It is this combination of pessimism and optimism, of despair and faith, which constitutes the refreshing realism of the Bible. For what Paul does in this passage is to paint a vivid contrast between what man is by nature and what he can become by grace.
BPC “New Life” – Svishtov
18 Tsar Osvoboditel Str.
5250 Svishtov
Pr. Timothy Awtrey
tel. +359895690141
email: tim@awtrey.me