The phrase “all is meaningless” gets our attention—exactly what the Teacher intended. In utter darkness, a few small lights will stand out. These lights from Ecclesiastes—the purposes, values and priorities that should guide our lives—are now seen so much more clearly. Let’s take one last look
There is a risk to not taking risks. An opportunity for gain in testing our resolve or pursuing a challenge may be lost forever. Failing to take spiritual risks in the life of faith has even greater consequences. In this section the Teacher will encourage us to exercise our faith by “casting
We all lack commonsense judgment at times. But in this section the Teacher addresses something deeper and darker, the lack of a commonsense lifestyle. Such a lifestyle—called foolishness—results when human weakness and wickedness assert control. In this study the teacher will identify foolish
Posted on 04 Mar 2018, Speaker: Джонатан Постулайт
On the edge of the University of Oregon campus lies a sizable historical cemetery. For many students the cemetery represents an unfortunate obstacle as they crisscross the campus from one class to the next. But I doubt the Teacher would share this objection. What better reminder for young
Does your foot automatically come off the accelerator pedal when you buzz by a police car on the side of the road? Do your eyes then anxiously glance up to the rearview mirror? Sure we respect authority— when we have to. But can living under authority enrich our lives?