Posted on 07 Jun 2018, Speaker: Джонатан Постулайт
How attractive is the father or mother of a newborn, glowing with joy over God’s good gift. Just as attractive is Stephen, a man full of the Holy Spirit. We are drawn to him. What does a person “full of the Spirit” look like? By God’s grace, can I be such a person?
“Admirable but impractical”—that’s what human beings through the ages have said about the communal ideal. Still, we wonder, Is there a way we can live together in harmony which at the same time liberates us from selfishness and assures us of support when we need it? Luke says a resoun
Communal experiments and religious movements fueled by enthusiasm are often short-lived. Will the faith of Pentecost sustain itself? Will the church’s mission mandate be fulfilled? Luke sets out to answer these questions, which lie at the heart of his reason for writing Acts. He hopes to
Posted on 29 Apr 2018, Speaker: Джонатан Постулайт
So when the day of Pentecost came round, they were all together in one place; and all of a sudden there came from heaven a sound like that of a violent, rushing wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And tongues, like tongues of fire, appeared to them, which distributed