During the Caesarean phase of Paul’s Palestinian “ministry in chains,” Luke highlights a persistent Jewish opposition that hopes to capitalize on the moral weaknesses of Roman governors. Still, humanly speaking, Roman law continues to be Paul’s final line of protection. The innocence of Paul
Posted on 10 Aug 2018, Speaker: Джонатан Постулайт
What do you say when you say goodby? When an apostle says farewell and addresses leaders of the next spiritual generation for what he thinks is the last time, a “farewell discourse” is in order. As Paul reviews his past as a model for the Ephesian elders’ future work and charges them as
From the moment the military tribune handcuffs Paul in the court of the Gentiles, the apostle conducts his ministry as a prisoner awaiting final trial and verdict. This last quarter of Acts, parallel to the passion narrative of Luke’s Gospel, provides a realistic and necessary balance to Luke’s
The third missionary journey displays Paul at the height of his apostolic powers, fulfilling his calling as a guarantor of the church’s gospel and its mission. Through Paul God proclaims a powerful gospel and performs extraordinary miracles, the signs of an apostle. Paul embraces an equally
The prevailing philosophies of the West’s post-Christian era—secular humanism’s scientific empiricism and the New Age pantheistic type of postmodernism—are remarkably similar to the Epicureanism and Stoicism Paul encountered at Athens. Paul’s speech becomes a model for how to witness to the