This commandment concerns respect for the Day of the Lord. After God had led His people out of slavery in Egypt, He commanded this new nation at Mount Sinai that they should work for six days. The seventh day could be used for physical and spiritual refreshment. The Sabbath was a call to rest.
Posted on 15 Oct 2019, Speaker: Джонатан Постулайт
This commandment concerns respect for the name of God. In ancient times, names were important. A name was not just a label or used to identify a person. It suggested that person’s personality. Thus God’s name reveals who He is and what He does. His name is His person. What we do to God’s name
Where the first commandment concerns ‘Whom shall we worship?’ the second concerns ‘How shall we worship?’ The Bible prescribes that we must ‘Worship God in Spirit and Truth’ (John 4:24). The purpose of this commandment is to keep our worship pure. All false forms of worship are idolatry.
This commandment concerns the position God should be given in the Christian’s life. The Bible teaches us that there is only one God, the God the Bible presents to us, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He must come first because He is first and wants to be the only God in people’s lives. He