It’s no accident that Paul mentions the body in the context of these false teachers, because Satan usually preys on weak Christians who are not closely involved with other believers. Growing with a growth from God means being a functioning part of the body God has designed spiritual growth to
When a counterfeiter wants to pass off fake money, he doesn’t use Monopoly money. Rather, he tries to make the bills look as genuine as possible. But reality sets in when the victim takes that counterfeit bill to the bank. Even more serious is when someone is deceived by a counterfeit Christ.
Becoming a Christian is a lot like falling in love. When you meet Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, you feel like the lame man at the temple, whom the Lord healed through Peter and John: you walk and leap and praise the Lord (Acts 3:8). Your guilt is gone. You’re at peace with God. He gives you
Posted on 22 Feb 2020, Speaker: Джонатан Постулайт
Satan has used the false teaching of the cults to lure many away from the true gospel that the apostles preached. Invariably, these groups prey on unsuspecting, untaught people in evangelical churches. They use the Bible and claim to believe in Jesus as Savior and Lord. But they deny the
If you know Jesus Christ as your Savior, then you are just as much a minister of Christ as any priest. The word translated “minister” means “servant.” Every Christian is a servant of Jesus Christ. Every Christian has been given spiritual gifts to use in serving the Master. Every member of the