As we turn to this chapter, this is what we find Joshua doing. He is giving his parting words. However, where someone’s final words might be given to his or her immediate family, that is not what Joshua is doing here. Rather, he addresses the people of Israel. Like Moses, Joshua is a national
After success, therefore, comes failure – and sin is at the heart of that failure. Indeed, in this case the importance of sin is highlighted at the very beginning as we are told that the people of Israel broke faith in respect of the things devoted to destruction at Jericho. Although the text
Rahab shows absolute fidelity in how she deals with the spies, so perhaps it is not entirely appropriate to judge her on the basis of the Bible’s wider morality of truth-telling. She operates in a way that she believes enables her to show good faith to the spies and, because that means moving
Animosities between individuals and groups of people are a given in our world today. Just take a look at the headlines in any newspaper. In spite of how we may feel about certain individuals or groups of people in our society, God seeks out all human beings to offer them the gift of h