He was chosen. He was chosen to redeem us from the darkness that threatens to overwhelm us. Jesus’ birth, life and death was not an accident… and neither are you. Jesus was chosen to save the world. Jesus chose to give his life for you.
We have seen God working in Ruth’s time to put events in place which would eventually result in the incarnation of the Son of God. Throughout human history, God has been working to fulfill his purposes in the world, although his working was not (and is not now) always obvious or easy to
When have you deliberately done something that observers could take the wrong way? Why did you proceed in spite of the possible negative interpretations? Since the return from Moab, Naomi has appeared to be a passive participant in events. Now she shows that she can formulate a shrewd plan to
Posted on 12 Nov 2023, Speaker: Джонатан Постулайт
The law of Moses decreed that when grain and vineyards were harvested, part of the produce should be left for the poor and foreigners to gather for themselves (Leviticus 19:9-10; 23:22; Deuteronomy 24:19-22). Ruth knows of this law, and now she proposes to take advantage of the opportunity to