Faith and obedience will allow us to enter God’s rest. God rested on the seventh day when he finished His works; this is a picture of our opportunity to complete the work God has given us. Read More →
Things like repentance, belief, cleanliness, resurrection, and eternal judgement — these are all basic, foundational aspects of Christianity. They are not signs of mature believers. There are deeper teachings to understand beyond them. The Pauline Author’s believing Hebrew friends have wandered Read More →
The Levitical priesthood and the law were necessary parts of the Old Covenant. Someone greater than the Levite priests was needed because of the insufficiency of the law to make people perfect. Read More →
The Old Covenant had regulations for worship, and the author explains some of them here. He will then proceed to show how these look forward to and teach of Jesus. Read More →
The writer of Hebrews continually mentions the preeminence of Christ both in His person and in His ministry. In the Old Testament scriptures we understand that the rituals and ceremonies of Judaism symbolically point to the coming of the Messiah. In other words, the rituals of Judaism were only Read More →