Jesus calls Matthew, a despised tax collector, to follow Him. Matthew does. Later Jesus is reclining at a table in Matthew’s home with other tax collectors and sinners, when the Pharisees ask Jesus’s disciples why their master associates with vile people. Jesus responds to them with a parable Read More →
Jesus empowers His group of twelve disciples to perform miracles before He sends them throughout the land. Matthew lists the twelve apostles by name. Read More →
Jesus teaches a parable about a sower who scatters his seed on four different types of ground. The first three types of ground fail to produce a crop, but the fourth type of ground is good soil, and it produces a very good harvest. Read More →
Jesus multiplies the provisions of five loaves and two fish to feed over five thousand people. This miracle parallels the God’s provision of manna for the children of Israel in the wilderness during the time of Moses. Read More →