The virgin birth is miraculous, supernatural, and unique. We must not dismiss it simply because it is impossible with man. If we dismiss the birth narratives of the New Testament, how can we trust the records of the resurrection? We must hold fast to Scripture and take God at His Word. He is, Read More →
“It is a profound mistake to imagine that Christianity ever intended to dissipate the bewilderment and even the terror, the sense of our own nothingness, which come upon us when we think about the nature of things. It comes to intensify them. Without such sensations there is no religion.” C. S. Read More →
Jesus first came to earth as a baby in a manger over 2000 years ago. This is the first Advent, and its why Christmas calendars are often called “Advent Calendars.” The second advent, the second coming, is the hope of all Christians. We have this hope because Jesus promises His return. Read More →
Why do I believe? There are countless reasons to believe in Jesus. Many of us begin our journey of faith because we need something that Jesus can give us. We need help, hope, healing or joy. Our lives are falling apart, and we want answers, solutions. But there is one important reason for Read More →
Palm Sunday commemorates when Jesus entered Jerusalem and was greeted by people waving palm branches. This event serves as a reminder for Christians to welcome Jesus into their hearts and be ready to follow Him. The Palm Sunday service also includes a reading of the Passion, which narrates the Read More →