We build up disciples, found churches and further the Kingdom.
If God is calling and empowering you to do something for him, you can expect to be tested, and you can expect testing commensurate with the seriousness of your call. The devil may not show up in person or test you on the same supernatural level that he tested Jesus, but your hardships may seem unbearable apart from the grace of God. The truly triumphant boast not in their success in the test but in God’s empowerment, without which they could not have overcome. Jesus went into this testing only after the Father had empowered him in the Spirit.
BPC “New Life” – Svishtov
18 Tsar Osvoboditel Str.
5250 Svishtov
Pr. Timothy Awtrey
tel. +359895690141
email: tim@awtrey.me